Thousand Year Old Treatment That Gets Rid Of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

Thousand Year Old Treatment That Gets Rid Of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Restless leg syndrome, or as we like to call it, “My Body’s Way Of Torturing Me” is a condition that does not allow a person to sleep because of the constant uncomfortable feeling one gets when trying to rest.
Many who suffer from restless leg syndrome feel the constant need to move, stretch, scratch their legs (and even arms) just to get a few seconds of relief.
The constant irritation leads to sleep deprivation, a common torturing technique!
But what really is the cause?
Are the legs (or arms) the problem?
Is there a supplement that can make everything go away and you can finally get some sleep?
Let’s break this down a bit.
#1 Restless leg syndrome has nothing to do with your legs. It is a neurological issue that affects the part of the brain which has to do with smooth movements called the Basal Ganglia. Essentially, this part of the brain needs something called Dopamine (a chemical our body produces) in order to function properly. When dopamine is lacking it can lead to this system to malfunction leading to restless leg syndrome.
Ok, so now we know what the problem is. How do we fix it?
Very often medical doctors will prescribe medications that affect that part of the brain or produce dopamine. Sometimes these treatments are effective but act like a band aid. In other words, once you stop taking the medication the symptoms can return and sometimes come with unwanted side effects.
Now I don’t know about you but when my car makes a noise I want to fix what’s making the noise instead of just turning the radio volume up until the annoying rattle disappears.
So how can we make this “noise” go away once and for all?
Acupuncture, an ancient therapy, combined with modern medical knowledge and technology can effectively reduce restless leg syndrome!
How can it do so?
We are able to target parts of the nervous system that are dysfunctioning with electro acupuncture and over time rehabilitate it back to health and proper functioning. The specific electrical frequencies combined with the precise placement of the painless needles help us achieve that and help you finally sleep!
Worried about the needles?
Check out the video below and see how comfortable the treatment is.
Most patients actually fall asleep while on the treatment table because it is so relaxing.
Are you ready to sleep like a baby?
Schedule an appointment at our Larnaca clinic today by clicking here and feel like yourself again.
Written by Dr. Dimitri Boules Doctor of Acupuncture
Dr. Dimitri Boules is an accomplished acupuncture clinician, professor, author and lecturer. He is the co-owner of Boules Acupuncture Clinic in Larnaca (Cyprus) and treats people with a wide range of health concerns like muscularskeletal pain, depression, anxiety, fertility and more. For more info, visit boulesacuclinic.c