3 Tips To Reduce Anxiety

Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety
An occasional sensation of anxiousness every now and then is totally normal. We are designed to feel this way in order to get away from a threat, such as a dangerous situation.
When we are afraid, our metabolism speeds up, our muscles tighten, and our adrenal glands produce extra quantities of adrenaline (a hormone that makes our hearts beat faster).
This is a very important and a necessary part of our nervous system however, when one feels anxious regularly and even when threats are not present, then it can become a problem.
Unfortunately, anxiety does not help pre-existing conditions and tends to make symptoms worse. For those who do not have medical concerns, anxiety can cause:
• Constant worry
• Restlessness and tension
• Trembling
• Heart palpitations
• Dry mouth
• Sweaty palms
• Diarrhea
• Lump in the throat
• Mood swings
• High blood pressure
• Dizziness
• Sleep disturbances
• Appetite disorders
• Fatigue
• Impotence
• Chest pains
• Hyperventilation
• Headache
• Backache
• Muscle tension and/or spasms
• Panic attacks
• Difficulty concentrating (1)
We can all agree by now that we need to control anxiety and not let it control us, so lets review some recommendations that can help.
#1 Nutrition
You might have not made the connection between your gut and brain but what we put on our plate plays a major role with our mental health. Controlling your blood sugar by eliminating processed foods, soft drinks and chemicalized products is a great start in improving your gut and emotional health. In the gut, a large portion of serotonin (a feel good neurotransmitter) is produced. More serotonin we produce, the calmer and happier we feel.
Add complex carbs to your diet (brown rice and oats are AWESOME!!!) because they contain serotonin and they can help normalise your blood sugar levels throughout the day.
#2 5 HTP supplement (or if you want to be fancy 5-hydroxytryptophan)
Take 50 to 100 mg two to three times daily. 5-HTP increases serotonin levels, which have a calming effect on the mind.
Note: Do not take in conjunction with a pharmaceutical antidepressant or an anti-anxiety medication.
#3 Consider adding Acupuncture
The system of acupuncture we perform at Boules Acupuncture Clinic is an evidence based, research supported and clinically effective system called Neuropuncture. In regards to treating anxiety, our goal with this 21st century acupuncture system is to target serotonin, dopamine, GABA and Benzo receptors in the central nervous system in order to have a calming effect on the mind and body. By integrating this holistic model we have helped many control their anxiety.
If you or someone you know suffers from anxiety and are ready to take action, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Anna or myself and let’s create mental health resiliency together!
Written by Dr. Dimitri Boules Doctor of Acupuncture
Please note that the information in this article are for educational purposes only and not meant to replace medical treatment.
- James F. Balch M.D., Mark Stengler N.M.D. & Robin Young-Balch N.D. “Prescription for Natural Cures.” Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/prescription-for-natural-cures/id635416177