A Closer Look At Depression

Depression is a condition we used to see often here at Boules Acupuncture Clinic, and we helped patients control their symptoms very effectively.
Since re-opening our clinic after the March COVID-19 lockdown, we have seen a major increase in patients with depression. Many of these folks had never experienced it before but were triggered by the numerous events that occurred this year.
Let’s face it, 2020 has been full of stressful events:
– COVID-19
– The elections
– Major turmoil in our country
– Businesses closing every day
– Economic hardship
– Losing loved ones
Depression is not just feeling blue. Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. The feeling is so strong that it can affect your:
– Emotions (feeling sad, anxious, guilty)
– Thoughts (self-criticism, impaired memory, confusion)
– Body (chronic fatigue, lack of energy, weight gain or loss)
– Behavior (withdrawn from others, change in personal appearance)
Our goal with this article is to give you some tips for dealing with depression and reducing the negative effects it can have on your relationships, health and life in general.
We all know the benefits of exercise. It helps release endorphins in our bodies that stimulate parts of the brain and make us feel euphoric. Find an exercise activity that you enjoy and make sure you carve out some time to do it at least a couple times a week.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant, so if you feel unhappy, don’t reach for a drink. It will only make things worse. It might feel like a way to relieve some of your feelings, but the effects alcohol can have on your mind and body are not worth that temporary state of relief.
Supplement with 5-HTP
Our bodies naturally make 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is an amino acid and a precursor to a neurotransmitter called serotonin. It is often low in patients with depression, so supplementing with it can be a good idea. Start off with 50mg three times a day on an empty stomach. You should also add a B-complex since B6 is required for optimal metabolism of 5-HTP.
Add Gingko
Add some Gingko biloba in your daily supplement routine. It has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain and enhances neurotransmitter activity.
Incorporate Acupuncture
There are numerous systems of acupuncture out there. The system that we practice at Boules Acupuncture Clinic is called neuropuncture. It’s an evidence-based, research supported and clinically proven neuroscience acupuncture system that focuses on rehabilitating, modulating and regulating a person’s nervous system back into health.
Our neuropuncture treatments focus on stimulating an area of the brain called the pre-frontal cortex, which has a large amount of dopamine and serotonin receptors. In doing this, we help balance the brain’s chemistry and reduce the negative effects of depression.
Studies have shown that these types of treatments help in the absorption of anti-depressant medications, which confirms that it is a safe addition to conventional treatments. Better absorption can lead to needing less medication and a decrease in harmful side effects, and in turn, better compliance with a medication regimen.
Another study compared electro-acupuncture (EA) to Prozac (a common anti-depressant drug) for reducing symptoms of depression. It was noted that EA had a faster onset of action, better response rate and better improvement rate than Prozac, and with no side effects.
If you or someone you know might need some help in dealing with depression, give us a call and schedule a free consultation. We would be happy to help you create mental resiliency.
Please keep in mind that suggestions given in general articles are not a substitute for personalized medical advice.